You have the savings.
We have the rewards.
Saving money is hard.
But it's easy when we reward you for doing it. 💸
Join the waitlist now to get exclusive reward offers after product launch!
You've heard of cookie factories, but have you ever heard of a savings factory? 🏆
Introducing MakeCents: the first savings app that lets you build a world that grows with your savings and rewards you for doing it.
The barangay is your playground, and you're the captain.
That's right—you can watch your savings grow into a barangay full of rewards!
Connect your accounts.
Track your progress.
Earn coins as you save.
Build your barangay.
Harvest your rewards.
How does it work?
Sign up and connect your existing accounts as fast and easy as 1-2-3!
Seamlessly set financial goals with our gamified tutorial. The pain of planning made forgettable.
Build your houses, plant your crops, and feed your animals.
Convert your resources into rewards and level up as you save more!
Why MakeCents?
Build Your Wealth
Every time you use the app, you can set new goals, work towards existing ones, and watch the cash flow! 💰
Earn As You Save
Transform your Barangay’s net worth into points 🎫 for discount coupons, vouchers, and more!
Full Visibility
View all your financial accounts in just one screen with power visualization and predictive analytics. 🧐
Do It Yourself!
Save your money, build your barangay, earn your rewards, and leave the rest to us. 😎
Don't lose out on our exclusive benefits!
Support us in bringing a rewarding, purposeful, and hassle-free savings platform to you.All you need to do is to sign up with your email!3 seconds to get access to exclusive rewards!
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